===================================================================== DEADLOCK PATCH version 1.31 January 20, 1997 ===================================================================== INSTALLATION ============ To install the patch file, copy the DLOCK31.EXE file to the directory where you installed Deadlock. (i.e. C:\Program Files\Accolade\Deadlock for Win95 machines, or C:\Programf\Accolade\Deadlock for Windows 3.1 machines) Either double-click on DLPATCH31.EXE or run this executable file from the C: prompt in a DOS box. This will unpack the patch files, overwriting all the older versions of the files. After the files are unpacked, run Deadlock as you would normally. If you're reading this file, though, you probably have already done this. Just be sure to move or copy all the files unpacked from this patch into your Deadlock directory. DEADLOCK VER. 1.31 CHANGES (dated 1/14/97) ========================== * NETWORK SAVE/LOAD GAME ADDED You can now load a previously saved network game! Here is how it works. First, the master needs to save a game during play. This save file can then be reloaded. If players are already in a game, the master clicks on the FILE menu and selects the LOAD command. The Master then picks the savegame file to load. The game will continue on the turn that the file was saved. (Note: there is no way to load a multi-player save game from the main menu.) If players are not already connected, follow these steps: 1. Start up Deadlock. 2. Master a new game with the same number of HUMAN players that will play in the saved game. All players should then choose the race they intend to play in the saved game. The other game settings do not matter -- so select a small world, as it takes less time to build. Note that this will not be the actual game you will play. Example - if you want to load a 5 player game that had 2 AI computer players and 3 HUMAN players, then master a 3 player game to restore the original savegame. ***Be sure all players choose the correct race to play. There will be no opportunity to choose races once the game has been loaded.*** 3. Once this "dummy" game is running, the Master clicks on the FILE menu and selects the LOAD command. The Master selects the savegame file. The saved file will load in, replacing the "dummy" game. A NOTE ABOUT AUTOSAVE ===================== Deadlock shipped with a feature that autosaves your game every turn into a file called AUTOSAVE.SAV. Now that you can load multi-player games, the autosave feature will be even more useful. At the end of every turn, Deadlock saves the game to the AUTOSAVE.SAV file. If you run into a problem with a multi-player game, you can restore the game by using the AUTOSAVE.SAV file. However, you must rename this file BEFORE you exit Deadlock. Autosave also saves the game when you exit. So if you do not rename this file, the AUTOSAVE file will be saved again and you won't be able to restore the game to the point before the problem occurred. Example: If you are the master of a multi-player game and one or more players gets dropped out, IMMEDIATELY rename the AUTOSAVE.SAV file in the Deadlock directory. Here's one way to do that: 1. Run Windows Explorer. Go to the Deadlock directory. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Accolade\Deadlock. 2. Find the file AUTOSAVE.SAV. Select the file. 3. On the menu bar, select FILE and choose RENAME. Then give the file a new name. For instance, MYGAME01.SAV. 4. Your multi-player game is secure. Now you can now restart the game. DEADLOCK VER. 1.30 CHANGES ========================== * MULTIPLAYER SPAWNING FROM 1 CD Players who own one Deadlock CD can now play Deadlock over a LAN, a modem, or the Internet with 6 other friends! This game will have full rules for everyone and only one CD is needed. Simply install Deadlock and the latest patch on all the computers to play a multiplayer game. Note: The person who has the Deadlock CD in his CD-ROM drive must create (master) the game. * MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BUILDINGS INCREASED Deadlock now allows more buildings to be created before it reaches its limit. You can still reach this limit, but it is higher. The maximum number of buildings available in a game is now 1000. (up from 750) * AI CHAT MESSAGES LIMITED The Computer AI will no longer send multiple chat messages to a Player in a single turn. * 7 PLAYER GAME, 100% DIFFICULTY FIXED A bug that caused all six AI players in a 7 player game to use the same strategy has been fixed. Therefore, 100% difficulty settings will now be much much harder. The Computer AIs will be more diverse and harder to beat. * ALT-DRAG UNITS You can now move an entire stack of units across territories instead of doing this one at a time. Hold down the ALT key and left-click on a unit stack. The entire stack will move. * ALT-DOUBLE-CLICK UNIT ORDERS You can also now give one battle order, mission, or retreat percentage to an entire stack of units. First, press and hold down the ALT key. Now double-click on a specific unit and place your order. The whole stack will now perform this same command. * RE-SYNC POP-UP BOX LIMITED In the previous version, during multi-player games, the re-sync box would pop in and out every time it attempted to regain sync. This has been made less annoying by leaving the sync box up until the game has finished resyncing all players. * CTL3D32.DLL LOAD BUG FIXED Under certain circumstances, users would get the message "This program uses Ctl3d32.dll which is not the correct version. This version is designed for Windows NT only." We no longer load that DLL under Win95. * DIALOG BOX PALETTE BUG WORKAROUND The Deadlock color palette may be corrupted in the dialog boxes on some systems. What happens is that the dialog boxes are pink or blue instead of the normal gray color. You can use a command line switch to avoid this palette problem. Here's how: 1. For Windows 3.1 systems left-click the Deadlock icon. Next, select FILE and choose PROPERTIES. Now edit the Command Line entry for Deadlock. Add " -p" to the end of the Command Line. Click OK and you're done. Example: C:\Programf\Accolade\Deadlock\DEADLOCK.EXE -p 2. For Windows 95 systems create a shortcut for Deadlock. First right-click on the desktop. In this menu select NEW and then choose SHORTCUT. Under COMMAND LINE, click the BROWSE button. Next find the Deadlock executable. The default is: \Program Files\Accolade\Deadlock\Deadlock.exe Once you've found this executable, click OPEN. Now add " -p" to the end of the Deadlock Command Line. Please be sure that this command is placed after the quote (") symbol and that there is a space before " -p" on the command line. Finally, choose NEXT and then FINISH. Run Deadlock from your new shortcut and the problem will be gone. Example: "C:\Program Files\Accolade\Deadlock\DEADLOCK.EXE" -p Note the dash p is after the quote. DEADLOCK VER. 1.21 CHANGES (dated 9/13/96) ========================== * TEN code enabled. Game is now playable over TEN with still a few known issues. * Mplayer code enabled. Game is now playable over Mplayer with still a few known issues. DEADLOCK VER. 1.20 CHANGES (dated 8/14/96) ========================== * Version 1.20 is the release version of Deadlock. Previous versions exist but they were retail and magazine demos. KNOWN BUGS as of VER. 1.31 ========================== * Deadlock Doesn't Terminate Completely on Exit. Upon exiting a multi-player game of Deadlock, if you try launching a second game of Deadlock the message "Cannot run multiple instances of a DLL under Win32s" appears. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the Win95 task list. Select and END any running Deadlock tasks. You can now play Deadlock again. [Win95 only; on TEN & Mplayer online services] TIPS FOR STABLE NETWORK GAMES ============================= * Loading network games works best with computers of like speeds. Restoring a game with a 486 and a Pentium will have more trouble than a 486 and a 486, or a Pentium and a Pentium. * In general, when starting or loading network games, the slowest PC should be the Master. * For best results, avoid using computer players in multiplayer games. (this includes LAN, modem, and serial.) * 2 to 5 player games are more stable than 6 or 7 player games. CONTENTS ======== The following are the files that should be included in this patch: Deadlock.exe Dlnet.dll Dlnet16.dll Dlnetnt.dll Patchme.txt Spritelg.dat